Friday, April 25, 2008


Everybody remembers the 1st day of their 1st job. I remember mine pretty clearly still. Forced myself up despite being unabe to sleep the night before due to nightmares of accidentally deleting all tables of my company's client and everyone blaming me. Hahaha... I knew little back then.

My entire family dropping me off in from of RSC as they were driving back to Cebu land trip style that day. Cross Jan who went to the office with her mom and brother. We went up the elevator and at the 10F we started our 1st day of what has been 3 years today.

How has it been like? Well, to put it simply, it has the same challenges as with any other multi national organization in the industry but has a great working environment. :) Personally, I am still learning a lot and challenged enough.

HP is a great place to work. Let's leave it at that.