Friday, November 04, 2005

the five people you meet in heaven

Please forgive the poor review:

the five people you meet in heaven by Mitch Albom is the latest book I have read. It was about a life of a man who just died and is looking back on his life guided by five people who have, at one point, been an influence to his life. The book gives a new point of view of what heaven looks like. It speaks of every life connected to one another, sacrifice, forgiveness, love and meaning of life without being preachy or too goody goody. It is simply written and touches the depths of your mind and soul in a sense that it makes you think about the ideas and feel the story.

What personally hit me was the idea of that kind of heaven. Heaven is understanding why you were born, why you existed, your purpose, your mission. We have gotten used to the idea of a land of peace and harmony where beautiful flowers grow and the animals are kind and the landscape is much like a Greek painting with the Greek halls and structures. But here we find an individual's perspective owning that peace and harmony. Come to think of it, if we were to know why we lived, wouldn't that be the peace we want. I mean, that's what I would want 'cause knowing my purpose would give me that sense of accomplishment and fulfillment I have been searching.

Here we are in this world creating our own mission and vision statements. Everyday we plan our doings for the day, we keep a schedule of events for the coming month, join organizations that we feel share the same goals as ours. All of these in an attempt to discover where we can make a difference in our lives. I mean, haven't you had one of those moments when the thought of not being able accomplishing one's mission on earth? It sometimes a scary thought, a life of worthless living. But in the end of it all, there are plans sometimes entirely different from our own and to just realize that this was what you were meant to do; I just can't fully describe that warm feeling.

But what really intrigued me the most is the thought on who my five people will be when I die and more importantly who will the people I who I would wait as one of their five people. I can't seem to get over the feeling of wanting to know who they would be. Could you be one of them? I guess we'll have to find out when the time comes. :)

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