Saturday, February 25, 2006

Here we go again

Again, the Filipino attempts to do one of the most stupidest things. On the occassion that was suppose to celebrate the victory of the simple Filipino, some elements turn it to a political fiasco mixed with religious fanaticism.

First and foremost, you do not say that it is God's will that a president must step down nor do youa have the right to say that it is your moral obligation to bring down a cheater and a lier when in fact you yourself have your share of cheating and lying. He who has no sin will cast the first stone. I am no supporter of the current administration. They do some good and do some bad things. They are just human but, at the same time, they should also realize that the responsibility of having to run this country also lies in their shoulders. With that, the interests of the nation should be above their own.

Secondly, if you want to effect change in to the society we leave in, you have to start it with yourself and within your circle of influence. Going out to the street on what is suppose to be a proud mark of the Filipino spirit is simply not right. In the sense of the words of Sen. Raul Roco, God bless his soul, whe he started into politics, he wanted to change the world. As he grew older, we wanted to change the country. However, in the end, what he really wanted to change was himself. To create change is to be an example of change.

Finally, everyone has their own beliefs. You do not impose to other people what you think is right. Let the people decide independently what they think is right and then each must listen and respect what each has to say. Nothing can be said to be true until all sides of a story has been heard.

The 1986 People Power Revolution was a great moment for the Filipino. It made us to proud to be who we ar, what we are capable of, and what we, as a people, believe in. Please don't ruin the memory with for own personal agendas.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Here we are again

Yes, I guess I am back to square one. Lost in the infinity of things. Just the previous days I had a game plan on how to play my life. Work well, study smart, live life and plan ahead. Things seemed bright and all. There were points when I was rewarded for doing a good job. Thing paid off well. I know I like what I am doing with my work. It's fun and enjoy the company of good friends at work.

It's just that it doesn't seems like everything is fulfilling. I try to get my mind off of thinking about the next 10 to 20 years. What would it be like after this and that? Am I being who I really am? Just a few days back, Torya mentioned that I have changed. I wouldn't know really. I feel like my old self only that I am able to do things I want to do. Maybe, things are starting to get into my head. I've heard comments that I am someone who likes to win. I guess that's true although I was never like that before (or so I thought that liking to win was a good thing). Maybe I am just starting to go over the edge. I feel like I'm getting overboard on how I deal with people, with friends. It seems like I'm turning into the kind of person I so used to hate.

Arrogance is such a strong word but I guess that there is arrogance in the words that I utter. Am I forgetting where I come from? I guess what they say that money is the most toxic poison (redundancy intended) of all is true. I know I earn more than my fair share and I feel like this suddenness of me having more than enough is making me loose the focus of what I really intend to do in life. Is it just a matter of earning and rotating the dough we have or is there something? I have always told myself that money is not the only thing that motivates me but its getting harder and harder to find anything else that will.

Darn, I am beginning to forget that the relationships that have always kept me going these past years are the relationships that I am starting to loose grip. God knows how badly I have to reconnect to my old self.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

tag! I'm it!

4 jobs I had in my life
1. Big Brother / Eldest son
2. Fastfood table wiper / cashier / taga dispense ng coke
3. CS Representative
4. SM for HP Asia Pacific

4 movies I could watch over and over ..just from the top of my head..
1. Chronicles of Narnia
2. Lord of the Rings 1, 2 and 3
3. Harry Potter
4. Star Wars 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6

4 places I've Lived in..
1. Cotabato City
2. General Santos City
3. Davao City
4. Cebu City
(not yet counting Los Banos, Quezon City, and Makati City)

4 tv shows/channels I love to watch
1. Animax
2. Disney Channel
3. ETC
4. HBO

4 places I've been on vacation
1. Toronto (What business trip?)
2. Baguio
3. Mt. Maculot!
4. Davao-Cotabato-Davao-Cebu

4 websites I visit daily

4 of my favorite foods
1. Crispy Pata
2. Sizzling Sisig
3. Siomai
4. Chocolates

4 places I'd rather be by now
1. Davao
2. UP Diliman (Melchor Hall)
3. with my family
4. Sacred Hear Chapel at UP

Friday, February 17, 2006

Johari Window

Hi guys,

Hope you can contribute to my Johari Window. Click on the link here -> contribute. Below is my latest Johari update. :)


(known to self and others)

friendly, idealistic, intelligent, observant, warm

Blind Spot

(known only to others)

able, adaptable, calm, caring, cheerful, clever, complex, confident, dependable, energetic, extroverted, giving, happy, helpful, independent, ingenious, kind, knowledgeable, logical, modest, organised, patient, proud, quiet, reflective, relaxed, religious, responsive, searching, self-assertive, self-conscious, sensible, sentimental, shy, silly, spontaneous, sympathetic, tense, trustworthy, wise, witty


(known only to self)



(known to nobody)

accepting, bold, brave, dignified, introverted, loving, mature, powerful

Dominant Traits

67% of people agree that Mike Sepulveda is friendly

All Percentages

able (5%) accepting (0%) adaptable (23%) bold (0%) brave (0%) calm (11%) caring (11%) cheerful (44%) clever (14%) complex (2%) confident (8%) dependable (29%) dignified (0%) energetic (17%) extroverted (8%) friendly (67%) giving (5%) happy (20%) helpful (29%) idealistic (14%) independent (2%) ingenious (2%) intelligent (29%) introverted (0%) kind (20%) knowledgeable (17%) logical (2%) loving (0%) mature (0%) modest (14%) nervous (0%) observant (5%) organised (5%) patient (11%) powerful (0%) proud (5%) quiet (8%) reflective (2%) relaxed (2%) religious (2%) responsive (5%) searching (2%) self-assertive (2%) self-conscious (5%) sensible (14%) sentimental (11%) shy (5%) silly (11%) spontaneous (8%) sympathetic (5%) tense (2%) trustworthy (2%) warm (14%) wise (2%) witty (5%)

Created by the Interactive Johari Window on 17.3.2006, using data from 34 respondents.
You can make your own Johari Window, or view Mike Sepulveda's full data.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Mt. Maculot - Conquered!!!

I know that this mountain is less than a level 1 but believe me, we went through the ends of hell and back to reach the top and thank all the heavenly hosts that it was worth all the pain and stress and work.

Yes, my dear friends, I have counquered Mt. Maculot and I am damn proud of it! In this world where you face your laptop most of the day, living in structures made out of concrete and sand, a little bit of fresh air, green trees, virgin shores and a couple of friends to push you throughout the ordeal is a definite "re-energizer". This is of course to mean, a revitalizing experience for the mind and soul, and most definitely not for the body! :p

It was a spontaneous planned day for everyone (if you get what I mean). We had an intinerary and all and in reference to Murphy's Law, we met at around 7am instead of the planned 6am. I was a good thing though that we made room for allowances. We were able to arrive at the top close to our estimated time. We had difficult times of course on the way. I had lower back pains when we were just a few steps away but we made it.

The view was great! I'll publish the pictures as soon as I get them. But all in all it was one hell of an experience! It is something I will be proud of. Even if they say that I wouldn't get anything other than scars, bruises, sunburn, and new friendster pix, this was a learning experience, an eye opener, and a realization of my need to return to nature.

Sunday, February 05, 2006


It was one of those Friday nights when you do not want to go home yet (because that would make you a loser). Everyone wants to do something but does know who to go with. I was inviting some people for dinner during that time. Something just out of the blue as it would be pretty boring with me and the TV at home.

Tricia, BJ, Ben, Jan and I went to Greenbelt (Uva?) to have dinner and it was a very expensive one at that. It was sad though to think during that time that we are going home right after that. Suddenly, just out of the blue, Ben mentioned that it would be great to go to Eurostar. Jan and I seemed to not just like the idea but intensely craved for it to come true and gladly enough it did! With a few calls for Becca and Alvin (Becca did not make it though), we were off. After dropping off out stuff at the office and getting Alvin back at Greenbelt (BJ was kind enough to play driver for us even though he was not coming along), we were off.

It was exciting at the start when we arrived and to think we were all in our office clothes! We were looking at the rides, planning what to ride last and talking like as if we own the entire carnival. Our first ride however was a great way to kill all that enthusias. We all (except Alvin) got very dizzy after that ride and we took the Ferris wheel after to cool off. After a number of bump car rides and the Log Jam (a ride like Jungle Log Jam at EK but we can't remember the name of this one) we were off back to the other dizzy-looking ride.

At that point, I had to give way. After the ride was done, I went directly to the side of the ride. There I was deciding where to throw up, whether in the garbage can or at some dark corner. I ran out of time and I threw up in the middle! It was my first time to ever throw up due to a ride! It was humiliating but at the same time funny. We rode the scariest ride the last only to realize that it was hell fun and should have been worth repeating more than 10 times! I forgot the name of that ride again but it was great! You seat, feet free, and then the ride turns you 360 degrees vertically forward (o backward depending on where you are facing) and it pauses while you are at the top since the seats opposite are being filled up. After which, you go back backward (or forward depending on your first direction) so fast! Another thing that was fun about it was that the seats where swinging on the beam as well. If you know the feeling of riding the swing and turning it over the bar and extend the length of the ropes a hundred times then you know how it feels!

After that, we rode the Log Jam again alternating seats. So that was more that 10 times! We were all so wet and smelled like rust (the water was rusty) but it was a lot of fun. By the time we had to go home, it was already 2:30am! Ben decided that he was thinking in sleeping at the office in one of our soft seating conference rooms (with bean bags!). I said I was game if it were 3 of us sleeping over. Alvin seemed to be fine and so there we were at the office washing up. Jan went home. Good thing I had my jacket at the office and that was the only thing I wore having to remove my wet shirt. It was scary though since there would be interviews at around 8 so we had to wake up early (which we did).

All in all, it was a extremely fun and spontaneous activity. I couldn't wait till the next one!