I have been writing this entry since I got back from my EK part 2 but haven't found the time to finish it, until now of course. Hope this still has some relevance. :)
A lot of things are running through my mind these days.
But before anything, I'd like to thank my HP@EK part 2 buddies. It was a Sunday well spent and my thanks goes much to Daisie for starting up and organizing the entire thing! :) I hope that everyone who had pictures and videos and other whatnots, let us copy the files so that I can share them with the resot of my friendly folks. It was long and tiring but definitely a break from work that is very much well earned.
Congratulations to Enzo and George for finally returning to the kingdom after more than 8 years!
Congratulations to Patrick and Elvin for not suffering in the Rio Grande until the last (5th) ride. :p
Thanks to Seph, JC, Liz and George for the transportation and for keeping us safe. :)
To Lorence, Toffee, Ish, Becca and Ben for accompanying us the entire day (or most of the day for Ish), it was definitely fun and I hope we have more of these in the future... Paintball na ito! :)
First among the issues that are running through my brain is, well, work. I mean, who doesn't. And the recent series of resignations and the talks of some of my officemates being unhappy with their jobs does not help at all. I guess, each has a right to have their own points of view as I have my own as well.
Many people believe that if they were to pick a handful of people who see themselves building their careers in HP, then I would be one of those. Truth of the matter, I don't really see myself long term. That is a statement of fact but this is not because my company can not offer me the growth that I would want but rather I don't really feel that I am suited to work in the industry. Everyday, I try to brainwash myself into having myself think for the customer, for the business, bring in more money, save on operational cost, continuous improvement and all that when what I really want to do is create a more of a difference in a social sphere within my knowledge as a Computer Scientist / IT Professional.
Customer service has never really been my thing, most especially the thought that the customer is always right and they have the right to demand. Personally, I do like to serve. It has always been in my personal mission-vision statement. But the kind of service that I am looking for is the kind with more impact. Not just to a client or a specific individual.
Honestly though, I am happy every time I receive good customer feedback, every time my bosses or leader recognize me for a job well done, every time someone believes in my capabilities, but sometimes, I always feel that there is something more I can do and at the end of it all, I really don't see it happening with me if I continue working for the industry.
It's just that monetary and cost of living just makes things so biased.
Friendships. These are relationships that I still have a lot to learn. I mean, it is one thing that you make an effort to understand and get to know them and it's another when they want to get to know you. It has to be a 2 way relationship, right? But, at the same time, its not all the time that you want to let other people get in too much. It's painful when paths begin to go on different directions.
Another is deciding who or which group of friends you would want to spend more time with. I hate it when I have to choose and to make things worse, sometimes you are oblige to go to this "outing" because you have "committed" to it. When it is no longer fun unlike before and you prefer to just stay away for awhile...
I think that was what I wanted to write during those days. I can't actually remember the words I wanted to write but I guess that's that. As a brief update though, I have passed my first semester of taking my Masters. Not that it was with flying colors though. I have to make up for a lackluster performance that merited me a GWA of less than the maintaining grade. I just enrolled for the 2nd semester (I only need to pay the tuition before it becomes official) and I hope that I do a lot better.
Work has still been the same. I got a new manager though and I think the current set up for thr BI/DW business unit (that's what they call the bundle now) would be much better for everyone (or for most). I can't explain it in detail though but I guess the team's that need more focus from their manager is now given a more experienced and more exposed manager and the teams that use to be 2nd priorities (or so I feel we had to take the back seat due to much more critical teams) now have a dedicated manager to help them grow. I feel I have a better chance in growing as an IT professional and, in the same way, I feel that my team has a better chance for growth.
There is not much update on my personal life though. I don't want to be put down by a very good friend again. No guts no glory they say but sometimes it is hard to accept rejection after putting your head on the plate. It's been 9 months already though so I guess I should be over it by now. After all, I know I am too darn immature to get into something I know I am not ready for. It's hard to keep the butterflies down though every time we meet. :)
Wow, this is the first time I'm actually blogging about this. What the hell. It's time to move on, lesson learned.
That's that. Another dose of Mike Sepulveda's rants, don't be too harsh with your comments though. :)