Gone underwater hockey with Toffee today and it was a blast! Kian and Stan and Alda were suppose to join us but circumstances did not allow them to go. For pictures, please see Toffee's Multiply since I did not find the time or the energy to take pictures after.
Things you need:
1. Mask
2. Snorkel
3. Fins
4. Glove
5. Stick
6. Puck
7. A lot of air
Steps we did to learn:
1. Learn how to breathe and be comfortable with the snorkel.
2. Learn to "purge" the water from your mouth via the snorkel
3. Proper finning technique
4. BOGDAT once
5. BOGDAT many times
6. Swim slowly underwater
7. Swim fast underwater (You will feel the difference! Believe me!)
8. Pushing the puck
9. You can now play UH with the rest of the beginners!
The steps actually help you prepare for the actual game but playing it game can really tire you out fast! Aside from having to think about your breathing, you have to always look down to know where the game is and where the puck is. You'll probably get lost in the game even if you take just a moment to not look down. There are also a lot of times where you get to drink a lot of water by mistake but sometimes you wouldn't care since you need to push the puck! :p
I was part of the 2nd batch of newbies as I was not able to start with the rest of the batch since I had to grab a bite at a very far 7-11. Good thing too since the instructor that taught my batch was pretty patient and friendly (ei Ferdz!) and really guided us through the entire basic training. After doing the steps above (which is the suprt basic training), I was assigned center forward which was weird since I didn't know what to do and the other team has already been playing for sometime (not to mention that they were from Ateneo swim team). I did really perform well as a center forward since I don't reach the puck fast enough at the start and I can't steal it from the opposing team's center forward as well. My left and right forward were also from my batch of newbies...
It was cool though! I learned a lot and thought of new techniques that can help me more. Like, I shouldn't be moving back and steal the puck when it has already gone past me. That's why the center back is there. I should wait for them to pass it to me and I should be fast enough to dive and swim for the other goal. Also, I need to be a bit more aggressive even if you get hit by a lot of fins and people and snorkels and sticks... :p It felt like all that mattered was the puck and the goal. It was cool!
I met a lot of new people during the activity as well. A lot of really good and fast swimmers. It made me realize that I need to get back into shape (lung-wise). hehehe.. I am thinking of taking the basic class (10 sessions where the 10th is a tournament) but classes are on Monday and Thursday. Both are not good days in my calendar... :(
For those who are interested, let me know and I can refer you to one of the members of the Philippine Underwater Hockey Association. They are PSC and POC recognized. :)