Sunday, February 27, 2005
Computer Science Week
It was during this time of the year, a year ago when the former CS reps told us to help out in preparation for that year's CS Week... Well, we practically did all the logistical work plus our exhibit for CS 192 (which I had more than enough problems to deal with) and our attendance for CS 198 symposium and Student Teacher Dialogues and many others... It was during that time that my resolve to be a CS rep, of service to the department and the college studentry was put to the test. I was definitely tired and was very much willing to quit. But, I clung on and I guess I survived. As the saying goes, "What does not kill you, makes you stronger", and I guess that made me and my fellow cs reps stronger and much more prepared than any other of the department representatives.
That is what we want the candidates for the next council to experience, something that would not only test their resolve but will also make them stronger and more prepared.
Enough said, here are the events for Computer Science Week 2005:
Here is the program for the Opening Ceremonies:
Opening Ceremonies
I. National Anthem
II. Invocation
III. Welcome Remarks, Dr. Ronald Tungol
IV. Inspirational Talk, Dr. Reynaldo Vea
V. Activities for CS Week
> CompSoc (TechWeek plug)
> Parser
VI. Presentation of CS Representative Candidates
> Dino Lacdan
> Marvin Lee
> Geo Lubaton
> Jeff Quiambao
VII. Intermission
VIII. Student-Teacher Dialogue
IX. Pakain
Hosts: Mshel Reyna, Carlos Lasa
Events for the Computer Science Week are as follows:
0830 Opening and Student-Teacher Dialogue [NEC AVR]
1300-1500 - UP ACM's Programming Competition
(Sponsored by Globe) [MH209, MH215]
0900-1000 FBM "Emerging Development Trends: Software
and Web Applications Convergence" by Ms. Mel Abutin
1000-1100 Globe "Telecommunications Trends"
1100-1200 Canon "Current Trends in Real-Life Software
Development" by Mr. Rolando P. Martinez, VP for
1300-1400 Trend (No topic yet)
1400-1500 Sun "Solaris 10: Ten Moves Ahead" by Joseph
Lluisima, "Sun Developer Initiative" by Mon Ganotice
1500-1600 Microsoft "Imagine Cup"
0900-1200 - CS 12 Quiz Bee [MH 215], CS 32 Quiz Bee
[MH 209]
1300-1600 - UNPLUG's Talk on Open Sourcing UP II
0900-1200 - CS 192/165/174/176 Undergraduate Projects
Presentation [MH 209]
1300-1700 - Sun Java Cup [MH 209 and 215]
1300-1600 - Quizzardry [1PM Engg Theater]
1600-1800 - Awarding and CS Recognition [Engg Theater]
0900-1600 - CS Fun Day!
Exhibit at the 2nd floor lobby
To all CS people,
We hope you would enjoy this year's CS Week!
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
What is your seduction style?
Your Seduction Style: The Natural |
![]() You don't really try to seduce people... it just seems to happen. Fun loving and free spirited, you bring out the inner child in people. You are spontaneous, sincere, and unpretentious - a hard combo to find! People drop their guard around you, and find themselves falling fast. |
What Lies Behind Your Eyes

In your eyes, people see brightness in
everything.... and I mean... EVERYTHING! You're
so optimistic and think of everything as just a
new adverture! You're very energetic, happy,
fun, and loving. Everyone seems to want to be
just like you because you're a great example of
people who live life to its fullest! You don't
really have a sanctuary... That is... Besides
the whole world >.< You love to have a good
time and enjoy yourself among your friends,
family, even strangers or by yourself! However,
being so happy and energetic can also be your
downfall... Some people might see you as a
crazy person who doesn't take anything
seriously, but that's so not true! Just because
you see life better than them doesn't give them
the right to act crabby. Keep living life to
its fullest and hopefully you can drag some
other people along with you ^-^
What Lies Behind Your Eyes? (With Pics, See All Results!)
brought to you by Quizilla
DCS Lab Fee Increase!!
Ronald M. Tuñgol, Ph.D.
Associate Professor & Chair
Department of Computer Science
February 21, 2005
Dear CS student:
Proposal for an increase in lab fees
The Department of Computer Science, through the Engineering Student Council (ESC) and the University Student Council (USC), is conducting a survey of the students’ position on the following proposed lab fee increase.
The last time lab fees were increased was in 1999—almost six years ago. The lab fees were computed then as
Php 10/hour × 3 hours/week × 13 weeks/semester = Php 390/semester.
It should be pointed out that there are actually 16 weeks in a semester.
The department proposes the following:
1. Increase lab fees for CS 11, 12, 21, 150, and 192 from Php 390 to Php 960 per semester, computed as
Php 20/hour × 3 hours/week × 16 weeks/semester = Php 960/semester.
2. Start charging lab fees for CS 145 at the same rate.
3. Increase the fees for computer rental at the Engineering Computer Room (ECR) from Php 10 to Php 20 per hour.
4. Retain the per-use basis for computer use in CS 198, but adjust rates to the ECR level.
Note that other UP units, UP Manila in particular, already charges much higher lab fees than what we are proposing.
Shown below is a computation of lab fees collected and spent for three academic years. The average collection per student is just Php 316 per subject per semester since some scholars do not pay lab fees at all.
CS lab fees
Collections EEE’s share CS’s share
AY 2001–02 Php 320,650.00 Php 74,411.77 Php 246,238.23
AY 2002–03 Php 324,460.00 Php 66,825.15 Php 257,634.85
AY 2003–04 Php 281,630.00 Php 70,618.46 Php 211,011.54
3-year Total Php 714,884.62
MSDNAA at US$800 per year Php 132,000.00
Hardware for support and maintenance Php 127,820.00
Purchase of MH 209 computers Php 666,500.00
3-year Total Php 926,320.00
3-year Deficit Php 211,435.38
It is clear from the above computations that current lab fees are only enough to refurbish a single computer laboratory every three years. The department maintains three instructional laboratories (MH 209, MH 215, MJEC), an undergraduate research laboratory (NEC 414), and the engineering computer room (ECR) through lab fees and sale of coupons. Although some of these equipment came from donations and other sources, the department is still responsible for their upkeep. Furthermore, the department wishes to refurbish other labs as well when it transfers to the Engineering Library Building.
The department wishes to solicit your support for our proposal, which we believe will benefit mainly current and future CS students. Hoping for your understanding and cooperation.
Very truly yours,
Ronald M. Tuñgol
College of Engineering
University of the Philippines
Diliman, 1101 Quezon City
Tel: +63-2-9205301 ext. 5200
Telefax: +63-2-9252366
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Rhet de Guzman for Chairperson
Alou Lim for Vice Chairperson
Mark Frias for Councilor
I belive in these three and I know what they are capable of doing. I have worked with them first hand and I know they are the best people for the job. If people with dedication and passion for service are what you are looking for then these are the people for you.
In addition:
Atan Caparas for Councilor
Chemay Avena for Councilor
I'm thinking of the following but I'm not sure yet:
Ava of Force for Councilor
Jigs Quizon for Councilor
Of course, I fully support
Dino Lacdan
Marvin Lee
Geomar Lubaton
Jeph Quiambao
for CS representatives
To those still thinking as to who to vote, you just might want to consider these people. Take it from me, for someone to serve in the ESC it takes more than passion and vision. It is passion for service, vision for betterment, and the experience to innovate.
Organizations and parties are there to look for and prepare those who have potential to hold public office. You really do not have to vote the people in your slate when you know they would not be able to fulfill their role in a certain position. You be the judge...
To the candidates:
Good Luck!
Sunday, February 20, 2005
Time to Face Reality
Will I ever be able to catch up? Lord, please help me!!!!
Passion over Experience? I choose passion and experience.
Friday, February 18, 2005
University of the Philippines Decade
Fully support my ass!!!
Below is a copy of the Presidential Proclamation.
U.P. DECADE 1998-2008
WHEREAS, the University of the Philippines is the primary national resource for the education and training of outstanding men and women who have advanced the highest interest of the people by their invaluable contributions to the progress and welfare of the Filipino nation;
WHEREAS, in preparing itself for greater service to the nation towards the new millenium, the University has embarked upon a program of modernization as embodied in its Strategic Plan 2008;
WHEREAS, the modernization program of the University is scheduled to be launched this year, 1998, which marks the centennial of the Philippine Republic as well as the 90th year of the University, and thus this event assumes a double significance in the history of the Republic;
WHEREAS, 1998 is the start of the decade (1998-2008) which the University has scheduled as the start of the ten years of preparation for the centennial year of the University in 2008;
WHEREAS, this decade will be a landmark commemoration of the struggle for national independence as reflected in the achievements of the University as a community of Filipino scholars and will be a period of transition to a highly modernized center of learning of the new century;
WHEREAS, the projects and activities of the University to be undertaken during the said decade will generate tremendous positive impact on the long-term interests of the nation, and thus they deserve the support of both the public and private sectors of society;
NOW THEREFORE, I, FIDEL V. RAMOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby declare the decade 1998-2008 as "University of the Philippines (U.P.) Decade."
All concerned government agencies and offices are hereby directed to extend full cooperation to the University in order to ensure the success of its undertakings within the said U.P. Decade.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed.
DONE in the City of Manila, this 9th day of January in the year of Our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-eight.
By the President
Executive Secretary
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
What kind of Mage am I?
To discover what mage you are, click here.

find your element
Look alikes
An ESC officer must be...
Here is my list of characteristics:
+ An ESC officer must responsible and responsive.
+ He must be righteous and fair.
+ He must be aware and involved of the issues that surround the college.
+ He must have an undying fire for service.
+ He must have great love for what he does and believes in himself and every other member of the council.
+ He must have dedication and must be able to command both the respect and authority of people who would be under him.
+ He must be a teamplayer and must be able to inspire the people around him.
+ He must have shown care for the college
+ He must be quick in making decisions yet maintains prudence in weighing and evaluating the possible solutions.
+ He must be unbiased in his decisions.
+ He must have the experience to know how to work things out yet open minded enough to know when it is time to innovate and improve on things.
+ He must know how to listen and at the same time know when it is time to be heard.
+ He must be principled but at the same time have that humor only an Engg student could develop.
and lastly,
+ He must be weak enough for people to know he is still human yet strong enough to have the courage to acknowledge those weaknesses and treat them as oppurtunities for improvement.
Today, I am both excited at the same time fearful. I do not know what the outcome of this elections will be. I have been inspired continuously by people who at this point have reached their point of exhaustion yet still do what is expected of them with great "gusto" in the name of service and love for what they do.
I thought I would no longer find these sort of people and every time I think I have given up, they rise and make be believe that these sort of people still exist.
There are still leaders around. You just have to look around and open your eyes a little wider.
To candidates who are running...
Good Luck and Enjoy this period!
People believe in you!
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Election Time again
Despite all the halubalu of the campaign period, a number of people have suddenly forgotten that they are still members of the student council, that they still have a number of weeks to serve, and they still bear the burden of being fair, unbiased, level minded, and always ready to give a goddamn smile in the name of service. They still do not have the right to extinguish that flame of passion for service when there hasn't been any turn over yet. There is no winner yet. There is no next council yet.
I know that we have a responsibility to make sure that there would be a better next council. But I also think that this responsibility lies after elections, when the winners have been declared, when all protests have been resolved and where all slots have been filled up. I know I am getting a little too emotional about this issue but I know there is still a lot to do most especially now that there are those who have to put up a good face for everyone to see. It just frustrates me to think that at the final stretch of things, we suddenly remember the divisions that were once destroyed. It's just so disappointing that despite everything you believe in and everything you treasure, every virtue, value and abtract noun that you used to guide you through your journey as a department representative, as a fellow council member, and as a confidant, you are suddenly thought of as an enemy, as an irrational being trying to twist everything and anything in its path to get what it wants.
I was hoping that this was going to be a fair and clean election where candidates throw their strengths at each other rather than opening the weaknesses of one another. Its just plain bullshit to think that only the person you support is right for the position, although, there would really be those that would never be right for that position.
At the end of everything, it would be the students who would elect their leaders, informed or not, they will be voting and, in the end, who ever wins, we must respect the decision and certify on the elected leader's strengths and try to work around whatever weaknesses they may have.
Today, I came to a realization that in the council there are different types of people and despite the obvious weaknesses, there are always those strengths that we should have worked with. There were people who, despite lack of visibility was always ready to help when you needed it the most. There are the visible people who serve as your moral compass, your guiding light, your passion gasoline, your backer, your believer, your torch and your jokebox.
Its election time again and smiles, tears, and hopes for a better college of engineering again fly around through words... I just really hope they turn to deeds...
Sunday, February 06, 2005
My age: Blogthings style
I took this from blog site. It was a bit weird that it almost fit right to my real age. But I guess it is quite true that I am still a teenager at heart. I continue to question authority a lot of times... even to the point of bullshitting the person in authority.
My place in this world. I think I have a pretty vague picture of what I want to be but I have a vision for myself and I know with enough hard work, I know I can achieve it...
Back to thesis work.
You Are 19 Years Old |
19 Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe. 13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. 20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. 30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more! 40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. |
These were my answers:
1. Flipping through the channels, you are most likely to stop and watch... The O.C.
2. What's your favorite dessert? Banana split
3. What's your current living situation? You live alone or with roomates
4. An acquaintance tells you a very juicy secret about your best friend? Can you keep the secret? Nope, but not on purpose. You just tend to spill the beans.
5. Your idea of a good party is: Good friends, a few drinks, but nothing too crazy
6. Your ideal career is something like: Your current career, except a bit more pay
7. The last time you told a lie was when... You lied to your parents about what you did one weekend
8. You're having lunch with a few friends. After lunch you'll probably going to... Talk about work and your significant others
9. The best rock band of all time is: Rock? You don't listen to rock. Try emo or rap.
10. How would you describe your political views? Quite liberal
More Blogthings...
What kind of intelligence do you have?
Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence |
![]() You are excellent with words and language. You explain yourself well. An elegant speaker, you can converse well with anyone on the fly. You are also good at remembering information and convicing someone of your point of view. A master of creative phrasing and unique words, you enjoy expanding your vocabulary. You would make a fantastic poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, or translator. |
What element are you?
Your Element Is Water |
![]() A bit of a contradiction, you can seem both lighthearted and serious. That's because you're good at going with the flow - but you also are deep. Highly intuitive, you tune in to people's emotions and moods easily. You are able to tap into deep emotional connections and connect with others. You prefer a smooth, harmonious life - but you can navigate your way around waves. You have a knack for getting people to get along and making life a little more peaceful. |
Do you have a Type A Personality?
You Have A Type A- Personality |
A- You are one of the most balanced people around Motivated and focused, you are good at getting what you want You rule at success, but success doesn't rule you. When it's playtime, you really know how to kick back Whether it's hanging out with friends or doing something you love! You live life to the fullest - encorporating the best of both worlds |