Wednesday, February 16, 2005

An ESC officer must be...

I was intrigued by the question in our Freedom Wall for this week. With the upcoming elections, peope return to the basic question, what characteristics must a candidate have to be voted an ESC officer?

Here is my list of characteristics:

+ An ESC officer must responsible and responsive.
+ He must be righteous and fair.
+ He must be aware and involved of the issues that surround the college.
+ He must have an undying fire for service.
+ He must have great love for what he does and believes in himself and every other member of the council.
+ He must have dedication and must be able to command both the respect and authority of people who would be under him.
+ He must be a teamplayer and must be able to inspire the people around him.
+ He must have shown care for the college and its studentry, which are his foremost responsibility.
+ He must be quick in making decisions yet maintains prudence in weighing and evaluating the possible solutions.
+ He must be unbiased in his decisions.
+ He must have the experience to know how to work things out yet open minded enough to know when it is time to innovate and improve on things.
+ He must know how to listen and at the same time know when it is time to be heard.
+ He must be principled but at the same time have that humor only an Engg student could develop.

and lastly,

+ He must be weak enough for people to know he is still human yet strong enough to have the courage to acknowledge those weaknesses and treat them as oppurtunities for improvement.

Today, I am both excited at the same time fearful. I do not know what the outcome of this elections will be. I have been inspired continuously by people who at this point have reached their point of exhaustion yet still do what is expected of them with great "gusto" in the name of service and love for what they do.

I thought I would no longer find these sort of people and every time I think I have given up, they rise and make be believe that these sort of people still exist.

There are still leaders around. You just have to look around and open your eyes a little wider.

To candidates who are running...

Good Luck and Enjoy this period!

People believe in you!

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