Tuesday, August 29, 2006

React: Gonzalez: UP breeds destabilizers, naked runners

Wow! It's been 11 days since my last post and to think the last post was a forwarded email message! Well, I think it is about time to dust away the rust and cobwebs of this blog and start over again. :)

I received an email about an article in the Inquirer about Gonzalez talking that UP breeds destabilizers and naked runners. First thing that came into my mind was that "WTF?!" What the hell does he know about UP?

Anyway, after calming downa and rethinking, I decided that the best way to deal this tackle the issues he raised with objectivity. :p (naks!)

Here are 5 points that I am raising and I won't even try to destroy his person (even if there is so much of his person that is so easy to destroy).

1. The state is not paying for UP students schooling, its the tax payers.
2. World class education? We have no budget and no proof (see Top 500 Universities in the world) to say that we are getting world class education. We are getting the best education in the Philippines but not world class education.
3. UP students are at the forefront and that is what makes us UP students. It is because we owe it to the people who are actually schooling us to be aware, care about what's happening, and actually do something about it (I personally have to reach this part... :p ).
4. People running naked... so? Does it mean anything? What was the point of this point? :p
5. And YES, I do believe that UP people are the only ones who actually know how to run the country. :D

Oh, and by the way, its people like Mr. Gonzalez who is making the Madam look bad... :p hahaha! :p Did he know that his boss is from UP? :p

Just my thoughts though....


Anonymous said...

5. And YES, I do believe that UP people are the only ones who actually know how to run the country. :D

and u say this why?


infobuilder said...

its because they have benefited the most from the blood and sweat of the people. it's not an intellectual or capability thing actual but rather having the passion to actually do it. :) you rarely find non UP grads who actually want to remain in the country. :)

as i said, just my thoughts...

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infobuilder said...


Good to know that people like still actually exist! :)