Sunday, March 04, 2007

Sleepless Nights

Recently, my team leader announced his plans to resign in order to finally help out with their family business. It's a sad moment as we, though not unexpected, were caught off guard as we did not it to realize that he was really serious about it. He also owns a lot a big bulk the work that we do including being problem manager, continuous improvement owner for our team, and being an global application owner for one of our most heavily used applications (WebOSA), and the most problematic one. And guess who will be taking over that application owner role... ME!

I also am a global application owner of a web application. It is bigger than WebOSA because it is an end to end application from data input all the way the reporting part. My problems revolve around data quality and the amount of changes that come into production almost every week. However, it is a different case for WebOSA. It has a lot of issues in terms of capacity considering the amount of data as well as the number of users are huge! And the visibility and the focus there is in that area is very high. I am not yet sure if I am that ready for that kind of pressure. This, of course, aside from the pressure for additional roles that would be added into my plate.

I am having a lot of sleepless nights, a lot of thoughts creeping into my head that has keeping me so worried of what will happen in the coming months. Will I actually be able to survive? What do I have to do so that some of that pressure will come off? I have been up late a lot of times, just not getting to be able to sleep. I can smoke more than a pack in a week. I could not pass a weekend without getting to drink a lot. Good thing Embassy girls were pretty that I was able to enjoy the drinks.

Ahh! I need to learn to handle more of the pressure... Advice advice anyone?

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