Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Decisions decisions...

Tick tock tick tock...

Call it a leap of faith, but by tomorrow everything will turn to reality. I'll be submitting my application form for a Master's degree in Computer Science. I'll be taking it at the simple University of the Philippines - that is of course, if they consider me good enough for the program.

Even if until now, I doubt that I can really put a lot of effort into the program despite the workload I already have (yes folks! I do have loads of work). Until this very moment, I have yet to decide as to what specialization I am going to take. It's a tough choice, but I am a complex person with many interests. It is very difficult to pinpoint or find the difference between what I really want or enjoy doing from what I really need to pursue my career.

The problem is I enjoy my job now and I can see myself in the medium term with the company I work for. The problem though is that working for a company or working for the industry in the long term is not dream. The simple fact that I do enjoy research and learning new things, despite the fact that I don't have the patience to code anything, is why I will return to the academe one day. I feel that the most important thing for me to do is to share what I have learned - not just as IT professional but as a person as well. Imparting the values that Pisay and UP has taught me. To pursue the things you enjoy most, and to enjoy seeking new things to learn.

However, you also have to understand that the "kaching kaching" also is very important for us to survive the real world. I could not spend one day without spending at least a hundred pesos. And I sleep on an empty stomach at that. I dread the times when I use to try my best to save a weeks worth of allowance just in case I don't get the next weeks allowance. Pride being a big part of me, I don't borrow or ask for a lot of food even if I'm pretty hungry already. And it is for this reason that I also want to establish the skills I need in order to push my career upward.

So, again, I find myself in the same situation I found myself a year ago. To decide whether to stay in the academe or to pursue an industry career.

The clock is ticking...


Anonymous said...

the third to the last paragraph sounds really familiar... i think i can relate. :)

To pursue the things you enjoy most, and to enjoy seeking new things to learn. <- i like this one. :) and i admire you for doing so. minsan nga, usap tayo about this nice phrase! anyway, good luck with your master's program. ;)

Anonymous said...

Very nice site! » »