Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Ia had linked me an article [i lost the link... my apologies..] on the “revenge of the right brain” which according to the author is the direction of their society as white collar jobs that are left brain activities are now going to countries, such as ours, that offer cheap labor. The article mentioned that the Information Age is powered by the technical, logical and analytic left hemisphere of our brain while the coming Conceptual Age will be a product of the empathetic, artistic and emotional right hemisphere.

The way I see it, this is another vain attempt on trying to boost their ego; trying to underpin the fact that they are losing their jobs to a skilled and better educated people and that they are losing their competencies - in which “empathizing, feeling and caring” are not one of them. What really irks me is that they could not acknowledge that Asians are more well-rounded most especially with our inherently creative, spiritual and highly emotional society - which has always been an Asian trait - that stimulates our right hemisphere and to which we have coupled with the education and higher learning that we have “borrowed” from our western friends.

Somehow we are doing a Japan, wherein, we study and learn the technology and skill we know we are poor in and we apply it to our society but at the same time not forgetting the importance we give to teamwork, imagination, and communal support for one another. That is why; we are better nurses and better care givers.

A reality it may seem that the world’s center of culture, politics and society may turn its head back to Asian shores. The American dream is almost over. It’s time for the sleeping giant that is Asia, to wake up and shake the world once again.

I just hope that the Philippines would not fail to capitalize on this strength and finally play a more significant role in leading this Earth to, what the author terms as, the Conceptual Age.


ia said...

Yeah, that irked me too. The Conceptual Age is dawning on their side of the world only. I read it because his proclaiming of a coming of a new age piqued my curiosity, but his reasoning disappointed me. Yeesh.

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